Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween, and Nano's Eve!

Yes! Only 3 more hours until It begins! The mad marathon of writing called Nanowrimo. I'm jumping in again this year with my 2yn story idea, since I never really did start it. I've been doing some plotting in the past couple weeks though, so hopefully it goes smoothly.

Last year I participated in Nanowrimo, starting off with nothing more than a plot idea. It was a fun crazy random story and I didn't finish it, but I had a blast! I won the 50K goal even if I couldn't end it, and I learned a ton about noveling in the process.

So this year I'm going to make a further goal beyond just reaching 50K. This year, I'm going to finish the story! This is pretty significant, because even though I've been writing since I was 12 or 13, I've only finished the story I was writing about 3 or 4 times. So that makes about a dozen years of unfinished storylines! I'm going to do it this year! I will!

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